What doesn't kill you won't stop trying
"For the last six months i've been talking to my dead husband"
Faye L. Ryan is a successful personal growth author mourning the loss of her husband. She retreats to a cabin on the bayou to finish her next book only to find that more than just her past will haunt her.

What test audiences are saying
Suspenseful, disturbing...
I screamed. I ducked...and all from a solo performance!
Brilliant Storytelling
The storytelling is so brilliant and the shots are so beautiful that you forget it was shot on an iPhone with a 4 person crew and a low budget.
Zanotti delivers a performance that is simultaneously entertaining and emotionally nuanced...Oscar-worthy.”
Unpredictable and thought-provoking
....an intimate portrayal of grief and terror.
A chaotic mindf*ck
of a cult film in-the-making. Zanotti’s one-woman gonzo- performance is nothing short of exhilarating. Watch it now and say you saw it first!